Wednesday 29 August 2012

I believe we can fly

don't create the life i live,
i live the life i create
make the moves i make with faith
never late punctual to a fault
sign triangles not in a cult
got all i got using my wits,
my life complete, my wheels of steel
got to keep moving, mind of strong will
sure shit happens, walk past it so i don't slip and stumble.
if i die, i die, I'm only human, i cry
but i try and don't i fly
my o my, success comes with a price so also is failure and it can't be disguised
so it goes without saying, work and earn, fail you learn, the end doesn't always justify the means, there's no need to pretend, cos all there is in the world is either you or them. learn to live, learn to believe, learn not to be eve, to be able to deceive and not to be deceived, and hope it makes you a better person. some learn the hard way, others decide they'd rather pray, I'm not saying u should get on your knees but at least work the grease, get released of the stress  and remain blessed